Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

I can hardly believe that it is 2009! 2008 certainly seemed to fly by, didn't it? I guess that is what happens when you have a brand new little one. My big boy turns !6! tomorrow! He is getting so big. And learning more and more every day. I'll try to remember to do a birthday post tomorrow for him. My little one is almost one! That should not be allowed! She is such a sweetie too.
A new year and a new blog look. I may change it around some more, but I'm not sure yet. We'll see. I haven't come up with any resolutions for the new year. I did start a 365 photos blog to try and motivate myself to take more photos on a daily basis. We'll see how that goes. My first post was a close up of my new bedroom furniture. I'm still in awe at how beautiful it is. I have started thinking of my one little word for this year, but haven't decided on anything yet. I will give myself a couple of days to figure it out.
I finally got all of my Christmas decorations down. I still have to wash a couple of towels and dishes, but then I will have it all put away. Now to just vacuum and get the furniture moved back into place. When that is done, life will start getting back to the normal routine, at least until C leaves at the end of the month. T goes back to school next Tuesday. I will hopefully start going back to the gym every day. Well, at least 4 days a week since I will be keeping a friend's 2 kids on Fridays. That's about all that is going on right now. I'll have to post some of T's b-day party pics tomorrow.


Joni M said...

I love the new blog look! I'm throwing together a party for my daughter's birthday tomorrow too... she's turning 19yrs... your time will come, hehehe!
Happy New Year to you and your family!